Best Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

Oatmeal cookies are the all time favorite cookies of my kids. There are many ways to bake Oatmeal Cookies. I have tried all sorts of Oatmeal cookies’ recipe but the best recipe is one that Lauren discovered in the internet called “Wyomings Best Oatmeal Cookies”. I made a little variation to the original recipe byRead More

Torta Cebuana

Before Mommy and Daddy opened up the bakeshop sometime in 1965, one of Mommy’s early baking teachers was Mrs. Noval, who lived in Banawa. As a kid, I do recall going with Mommy to this home. Memories of Refrigerator Cake that Mommy made might have been influenced by Mrs. Noval. One of my favorite recipesRead More

Cheese Cupcake

Cheese cupcakes is now sold commercially in supermarkets for kids to bring as “baon” to school. It is not quite the same Cheese cupcake mom used to bake in our bakeshop. Cheese cupcakes are supposed to have that distinct “cheese” taste. Here is a recipe that will surely give you that tasty cheesy cupcake. IngredientsRead More

Blinis Shrimp Torte Canapés and Cheesecake crunch bites

March in the Philippines is usually the time to celebrate a milestone as graduates receive their diplomas. I am sure families out there want to prepare some simple snacks for eager relatives or friends dropping by the house after graduation. Canapés and finger foods are simple to prepare. CHEESECAKE CRUNCH BITES Base Crumbs: 1 cupRead More

Chocolate Candy for Fun and Profit : Chocolate coated apples, Choco crunchies

Before the onset of the internet, I used to make Chocolate creations during special occasions. I enrolled back then at Chocolate Lovers in the early nineties. Selling chocolates is quite profitable especially during the holidays. “Chocolate Lover” produced a lot of micro-entreprenuers among homemaker . Unfortunately, I don’t make chocolate creations now that my childrenRead More