My recipes can be used only for your personal use and cannot be posted in your website, blog or any other site, form (magazine, newspapers etc) or any other means
To start browsing for recipes,
1. use the search button on the right side of the menu
2. click this recipe category.
3. For Kakanin recipes, click this Kakanin Recipes entry.
For the Holiday season, I’ve gathered liniks to Noche Buena and Holiday Cooking ideas.
To make your search engine queries faster, here are the links to my recipes:
- Pochero
Chinese Ham
Chicken Relleno
Max Fried Style Chicken Recipe
Pork Barbecue
Bam-i, Cebuano Pansit
Western Cuisine
- Fruitcake Recipe
The Gingerbread Man Cookies
Christmas Sugar Cookies
Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies
Blueberry Cheesecake
Apple Pie
Food for the Gods
Filipino Desserts
Other Recipes
Coming Soon:
Kakanin Recipes…
Since it is Christmas season, here is a playlist of Pinoy Christmas Songs
18 thoughts on “Pinoy Recipes”