Before we freak out about the metric and English systems of measurement, here is my sister, Lorna’s own table.
1 ounce = 28.4 grams (rounded off)
1 gram = .035 oz.
1 kilogram = 2.21 lbs. (or 2.2 lbs.)
1 oz. = 28.35 gms. (or 28.4 gms., rounded up)
1 lb. = 453.59 gms. (or 454 gms., rounded up)
1 tsp. = 4.9 milliliters
1 tbsp. = 14.8 milliliters
1 cup = 236.6 milliliters
1 liter = 1.06 quarts or 1,000 milliliters
1 oz. = 2 tbsps. = 28.4 gms. = 30 cc.
1 ml. = 20 drops
Here’s the rest:
a few grains = less than 1/8 tsp.
60 drops = 1 tsp.
1-1/2 tsps. = 1/2 tbsp.
3 tsps. = 1 tbsp.
2 tbsps. = 1/8 cup or 1 fluid ounce
4 tbsps. = 1/4 cup
5-1/3 tbsps. = 1/3 cup
8 tbsps. = 1/2 cup
10-2/3 tbsps. = 2/3 cup
12 tbsps. = 3/4 cup
16 tbsps. = 1 cup
3/8 cup = 1/4 cup + 2 tbsps.
5/8 cup = 1/2 cup + 2 tbsps.
7/8 cup = 3/4 cup + 2 tbsps.
1 cup = 8 fl.oz.
2 cups = 1 pint or 16 fl. oz.
2 pints = 1 quart or 32 fl. oz.
4 cups = 1 quart
4 quarts = 1 gallon
8 quarts = 1 peck
4 pecks = 1 bushel
16 ozs. = 1 lb.
From Lorna’s American kitchen:
10 extra large eggs yield 1-1/2 cup eggwhites
1 can evaporated milk = 12 fl. oz. = 1-1/2 cup less 1 tbsp.
1 can sweetened condensed milk = 14 oz. = 396 gms.