Happy, Pulpy, Healthy Minute Maid

Minute Maid

Healthy drinks don’t always have the most appealing flavor, so you end up drinking them because you have to, not because you want to. But after trying the new preservative-free Minute Maid, I was slapped with the wonderful pulpy reality of how great this juice tastes! It tastes the way orange juice should taste—citrusy, orangey, with just the right amount of tangy sweetness, and it even has pulp! I swear, if it didn’t come from a bottle I would’ve thought it was freshly squeezed. It’s got real pulp bits from the first sip, down to the last drop!

Now, there’s always a bottle of refreshing Minute Maid orange juice to accompany every meal. I feel great knowing that this delicious drink I enjoy is not harmful to my body.

You should probably get your own bottle of Minute Maid Pulpy too—not only because it tastes great, is pulpyliciously healthy, but can also win you cool cash in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for the announcement on this blog!

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