I am so happy that I learned how to make quick homemade butter. Here I use the jar method to make quick homemade butter.
Let me depart from the usual Pinoy Food recipes and share with you how to prepare homemade butter. Don’t you just love homemade butter on your pan de sal?
That’s why it is important you also know how to make your very own homemade butter.
I have to thank the California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB), an instrumentality of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, for holding a cheese forum . Along with the Cheesemaking workshop, “The Cheese Dude” aka Mark Todd and also a cheese expert and consultant for respected dairy organizations in America, shared the steps in making homemade butter.
Meet our team with Mark.
And a snippet of what we did in 30 seconds:
Here is the recipe.
• Mixer/Food Processor (or jar to shake)
• Strainer
• Bowl
• Spatula
• Heavy cream (preferably fresh, organic & local!). We used the brand “Elle & Vire” whipping cream with 35.1% fat.
Here are the steps:
1. Leave the cream out for a bit so that it warms to 50F or so.
2. Pour the cream into the mixer with a whisk attachment. Put a cover over the mixer, so
you don’t splatter cream all over your kitchen:
Alternatively, you can pour the cream into a jar you can shake. (This will take longer, but
your arms will get a good workout, and you can make it a family project.) We used the jar method and it was fun. Just do a hammering motion to shake the jar. We all took turns and had fun taking boomerang videos of ourselves.
After maybe 2-3 minutes , I was so happy to see the butter separating from the buttermilk .
3. Mix on medium-high for 5-7 minutes. For once in your life, you get to over-whip cream!
I shook the jar up a bit more to produce a slightly firmer, but still pretty soft and spreadable homemade butter. The more you shake after that , the firmer the butter will be.
4. Strain the butter into a bowl, making sure all the liquid runs out. Then set aside the liquid. (That liquid is homemade, uberfresh buttermilk!)
5. Rinse the butter with water to remove any excess liquid.
6. Knead the butter with a spatula to bring together the curds.
This doesn’t take long – a
minute or two. If you want to salt your butter, now is a good time. Our team decided not to add salt. The butter tasted really good without salt anyway. Just to be sure, we used a butter cloth to remove excess moisture.
And look at our butter. How to describe the taste? The taste is far more superior than the butter I buy from the grocery. It inspires me to make my own butter.
Will you try to make your very own homemade butter?